Save the last orangutans

Help us protec­ting the orangutans

The Bornean oran­gutan is criti­cally endan­gered due to habitat loss. As their rain­fo­rest home shrinks, they venture closer to humans, leading to increased hunting, capture, and popu­la­tion decline.

BOS Germany rescues and protects Borneo’s last oran­gutans and their habitat. Join us in saving these maje­stic species. Help us with your dona­tion and support these unique animals.


Your support for the orangutans

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Frequently asked questions

Why donate to BOS e.V.?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

If you want to help save the oran­gutan, please consider making a dona­tion. We are committed to ensu­ring that oran­gutans can once again roam safely and freely through the pris­tine rain­fo­rests of Borneo, in a sustainable and long-term manner.

Where will my dona­tion help the most?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Thank you for wanting to donate to the oran­gutan cause! Your dona­tion makes a diffe­rence in all aspects – whether you choose to plant a tree or support the oran­gutans in our conser­va­tion centers. Every form of assis­tance is valuable. Your help has the most imme­diate and signi­fi­cant impact when you donate without speci­fying a parti­cular purpose. This way, your dona­tion is swiftly directed to where it is most urgently needed at that moment, with fewer admi­nis­tra­tive fees incurred.

How can I donate online?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Thank you for your inte­rest in supporting the oran­gutans. For an online dona­tion, please simply fill out the form on this page. You can choose between making your payment via a SEPA direct debit mandate, through PayPal, or by credit card. Your data is trans­mitted through an encrypted SSL (Secure-Socket-Layer) internet connec­tion and is secure at all times.

Is BOS (Borneo Oran­gutan Survival Germany) a reliable and trust­worthy orga­ni­sa­tion and will my dona­tion actually reach the orangutans?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Dona­tions are a matter of trust. BOS Germany is reco­g­nised as a non-profit orga­ni­sa­tion that is parti­cu­larly worthy of support, and thus abso­lutely reliable. Further­more, we have joined the Initia­tive Trans­pa­rente Zivil­ge­sell­schaft (Trans­pa­rent Civil Society Initia­tive), an alli­ance of German science and civil society actors initiated by the German chapter of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional and based on 10 trans­pa­rency prin­ci­ples for non-profit orga­ni­sa­tions. Trans­pa­rency, however, means more to us than simply parti­ci­pa­ting in the rele­vant alli­ances. That is why we annu­ally publish both an acti­vity report as well as a finan­cial report in German language, detailing what income we have received and from where, how it has been spent and what we have been able to achieve with your support.

In addi­tion, we are always happy to receive your ques­tions and sugges­tions. Simply get in touch with us by phone or email. Being able to perso­nally appre­ciate your valuable trust and crucial support is very important to us.

Are my dona­tions tax deductible?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Yes, your dona­tions are tax deduc­tible. For dona­tions of up to 300 euros, you can even claim them without a dona­tion receipt.

Will I receive a dona­tion receipt?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Of course. We always send out receipts auto­ma­ti­cally and unso­li­cited at the begin­ning of a new year for the entire previous year. If you need an imme­diate dona­tion receipt, all you need to do is state this on the dona­tion form or contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Sonja Wende

You have a question?

Sonja Wende can help you under:

Dona­tions are a matter of trust

Trans­pa­rent use of funds is a matter of course for us. In September 2013, we joined the a non profit initia­tive of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Germany and signed its decla­ra­tion of commitment.