BOS Germany as an association

BOS Deutsch­land e.V. is a non-profit nature and species conser­va­tion asso­cia­tion regis­tered in Germany, dedi­cated to protec­ting the last oran­gutans and their habitat. This is prima­rily achieved through fund­rai­sing, public rela­tions, project work, and inter­na­tional cooperation. 

BOS Germany advo­cates for oran­gutan and rain­fo­rest protection

Our history

Verein bei einer MitgliederversammlungBOS Germany was founded in Kiel in 2001, ten years after the estab­lish­ment of the BOS Foun­da­tion, initiated by physi­cians Dr. Jochen-Peter Collin († 2013) and Dr. Eber­hard Krei­ke­meier († 2017), both of whom had previously worked in Indo­nesia, along with Berlin oral surgeon Dr. Dr. Klaus U. Schendel († 2015). Since 2003, BOS Germany’s head­quar­ters have been located in Berlin. During this period, several new BOS orga­niza­tions were also estab­lished in Europe and Australia.

The BOS Foun­da­tion was founded in 1991 in Balik­papan, Borneo, by Dutch forestry scien­tist Dr. Willie Smits, who was working in Indo­nesia at the time, along with teacher Peter Karsono and others. Initi­ally, BOS (Dutch: forest) stood for Balik­papan Oran­gutan Society and was later renamed Borneo Oran­gutan Survival.

From 2003 to 2010, Boris Thiemig served as the Execu­tive Chairman of the asso­cia­tion, with Martina Wies­mayr. During these years, the orga­niza­tion evolved from a small entity into a substan­tial NGO, specia­li­zing not only in oran­gutan protec­tion but also in palm oil and refo­re­sta­tion issues.

Follo­wing a change in the articles of asso­cia­tion in 2010, Leon­hard “Löwe” Graf Roth­kirch became the chairman of the board of BOS e.V., which has operated on a purely hono­rary basis ever since. During this time, new thematic areas emerged, inclu­ding commu­nity deve­lo­p­ment, large-scale rain­fo­rest protec­tion, rewet­ting of peat­lands, and a focus on oran­gutan repatriation.

In September 2013, BOS Germany joined the Initia­tive Trans­pa­rente Zivilgesellschaft.


Our Vision

We are convinced that it is now our coll­ec­tive respon­si­bi­lity to ensure the survival of oran­gutans and the Indo­ne­sian rain­fo­rest. Toge­ther, we strive to increase the oran­gutan popu­la­tion, preserve the Borneo rain­fo­rest and its biodi­ver­sity, and deliver bene­fits to both people and the climate.


A mission for the future

  • Oran­gutan Protec­tion: We rescue oran­gutans world­wide from illegal capti­vity and emer­gency situa­tions. In our two rescue centers in Borneo, we reha­bi­li­tate libe­rated and orphaned oran­gutans, releasing them into secure conser­va­tion areas. For oran­gutans that cannot be rein­tro­duced to the wild, we provide sanc­tua­ries for a digni­fied life. To achieve this mission, we colla­bo­rate closely with the Indo­ne­sian BOS Foun­da­tion and an inter­na­tional network of partner organizations.
  • Rain­fo­rest Protec­tion: In multi-actor part­ner­ships, we preserve and expand the habitat for oran­gutans in Borneo. Working toge­ther with the local popu­la­tion, we imple­ment projects for sustainable commu­nity deve­lo­p­ment and refo­rest degraded areas.
  • Rese­arch: In colla­bo­ra­tion with inter­na­tional scien­tists, we contri­bute to valuable rese­arch on oran­gutan beha­vior, species conser­va­tion, and the climatic importance, espe­ci­ally of peat swamp forests.
  • Public rela­tions and educa­tion: In colla­bo­ra­tion with inter­na­tional scien­tists, we contri­bute to valuable rese­arch on oran­gutan beha­vior, species conser­va­tion, and the climatic importance, espe­ci­ally of peat swamp forests.
  • Advo­cacy and poli­tical work: We consider ourselves advo­cates for oran­gutans. In dialo­gues with decision-makers, we provide advice and exert pres­sure for action on climate, forest, and species protection.
  • Our Values: We utilize our resources effi­ci­ently and with a clear focus to achieve our goals. Trans­pa­rency, coope­ra­tion on equal terms, and inte­grity are the core values to which we are dedi­cated. Dona­tions entrusted to us are employed econo­mic­ally and responsibly.
Orang-Utans auf dem Baum

BOS Foun­da­tion

Since 1991, the BOS Foun­da­tion has been active in saving, protec­ting, and reha­bi­li­ta­ting oran­gutans and their habitat in Borneo.

Salat Island Luftaufnahme


Do you want to know how we work and how we handle your dona­tions? Then you can find a summary here.

Make a dona­tion for the orangutans

Make a one-time donation

Oran­gutans need our help! With your dona­tion for the oran­gutans you accom­pany and support an oran­gutan on its journey until its release into the wild.

Orang-Utan-Retter werden

Make a dona­tion for the orangutans

Make a one-time donation

Oran­gutans need our help! With your dona­tion for the oran­gutans you accom­pany and support an oran­gutan on its journey until its release into the wild.

Orang-Utan-Retter werden
Sonja Wende

You have a question?

Sonja Wende can help you under:

Dona­tions are a matter of trust

Trans­pa­rent use of funds is a matter of course for us. In September 2013, we joined the a non profit initia­tive of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Germany and signed its decla­ra­tion of commitment.