Guaran­teed dona­tion transparency

Our defi­ni­tion for transperancy

Dona­tions are a matter of trust. BOS Germany is a repu­table asso­cia­tion and reco­g­nised as a non-profit orga­ni­sa­tion that is parti­cu­larly worthy of support. Further­more, we have joined the Initia­tive Trans­pa­rente Zivil­ge­sell­schaft (Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Initia­tive). Trans­pa­rency, however, means more to us than just parti­ci­pa­ting in the rele­vant alli­ances. That is why we annu­ally publish both an acti­vity report as well as a finan­cial report, detailing what income we have received and from where, how it has been spent and what we have been able to achieve with your support.

Logo Initiative transparente GesellschaftTrans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Initia­tive (ITZ)

BOS Deutsch­land e.V. joined the Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Initia­tive back in September 2013. As a signa­tory of the initia­tive, we have committed to publi­shing ten basic pieces of infor­ma­tion on our website in an easily acces­sible way.


BOS Germany and char­geable dona­tion seals

We had been a member of the Deut­scher Spen­denrat e.V. for many years and were also very satis­fied with the level of coope­ra­tion. However, member­ship and the formal exami­na­tion required for gran­ting and retai­ning member­ship involve considerable costs. The fees are calcu­lated as a percen­tage of the total annual income. Curr­ently, they would be approx. 0.04% of our yearly income. For BOS Germany, this would result in addi­tional costs of about 8,000 Euros. As we strive to keep our admi­nis­tra­tive costs as low as possible in order to gene­rate a greater and direct flow of dona­tions into the projects on Borneo, we have with­drawn from this membership.


We guarantee our donors and supporters the grea­test possible trans­pa­rency and trustworthiness:

  • Irre­spec­tive of our decision described above, we have committed ourselves to the prin­ci­ples of the German Dona­tions Council and continue to operate in accordance with them. In our annual acti­vity and finan­cial reports, which can be accessed online, we provide infor­ma­tion on general condi­tions, achie­ve­ments, deve­lo­p­ments and trends in the organisation’s areas of acti­vity and in the orga­ni­sa­tion itself. The audit of our annual finan­cial state­ment as well as the so-called multi-sectoral account is carried out in accordance with sections III. and V. of the prin­ci­ples of the German Dona­tions Council (Deut­scher Spen­denrat e.V.), with the respec­tive appli­cable guide­lines of the Insti­tute of Public Audi­tors in Germany (Institut der Wirt­schafts­prüfer e.V. — IDW), and with the provi­sions of the German tax law with regard to non-profit organisations.
  • In a letter from September 23rd, 2020, a good and open provi­sion of infor­ma­tion was attested by the Deut­sches Zentral­in­stitut für soziale Fragen (DZI, German Central Insti­tute for Social Issues) for BOS Deutsch­land e.V.. In its review of the available docu­ments, the DZI did not come across any critical aspects.
  • For BOS Germany, it is important that every dona­tion makes a diffe­rence. Our vision is to ensure the survival of the oran­gutans, and to protect their habitat, the rain­fo­rest, on Borneo in the long term. One way of pursuing this vision is to fight the causes through our aware­ness and educa­tion campaigns in Germany. In addi­tion, we imple­ment focused holi­stic projects with our local part­ners, such as the protec­tion and resto­ra­tion of the ecosys­tems on Borneo.
  • Ethical respon­si­bi­lity is indis­pensable for BOS Germany. We do not adver­tise in a way that is offen­sive or unethical. We do not conduct member­ship or dona­tion adver­ti­sing campaigns that involve gifts, bene­fits, or any other advan­tage that is not directly related to the purpose of the asso­cia­tion, or that is dispro­por­tio­na­tely expen­sive. BOS Germany refrains from selling, renting or exchan­ging member or donor addresses. We do not offer or pay commissions.

FAQ Secure Donations

I have not yet received my current dona­tion receipt. What should I do?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

First of all, many thanks for your support. We auto­ma­ti­cally send out a dona­tion receipt for the past year at the begin­ning of the new year. You should have received it by February at the latest.
You did not receive a dona­tion receipt at the begin­ning of the year, even though you made a dona­tion towards the oran­gutans in the previous year? Please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you and send once again the dona­tion receipt.

I am missing one of my dona­tions on my annual receipt.

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Thank you for your help and please accept our apolo­gies for the incon­ve­ni­ence. There may be a number of reasons why a parti­cular dona­tion was not included on your receipt. For example, your dona­tion may have already been acknow­ledged with an indi­vi­dual receipt. As dona­tions must only be receipted once, this dona­tion will not appear again on your annual receipt.
Or perhaps you have just made a dona­tion around the turn of the year? It is possible that the bank only credited this dona­tion to us in the new year because of the holi­days. We are legally obliged to indi­cate the value date of our dona­tion account. However, we will be happy to issue a sepa­rate indi­vi­dual receipt for this dona­tion. Along with proof that the dona­tion was debited from your account in the past year, this receipt is usually accepted by the tax autho­ri­ties for the previous year.
In any case, please feel free to contact us if you have any ques­tions. We are always happy to hear from you and to provide further assistance.


I have orga­nised a peer to peer fund­rai­sing event. Can I get a receipt for that?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Thank you for coll­ec­ting dona­tions for the oran­gutans and their habitat. Unfort­u­na­tely, such coll­ec­tive dona­tions cannot be receipted for legal reasons, so the coll­ec­tion amount will not appear on your receipt.

Can I also receive my dona­tion receipt as a PDF docu­ment by email?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

We can gladly send you a copy of your dona­tion receipt by e‑mail.

For tax purposes: Can I claim my donation(s) without a dona­tion receipt?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Yes, your dona­tions are tax deduc­tible. Dona­tions of up to 300 euros can even be claimed without a dona­tion receipt. However, you will need to provide an account state­ment and the exemp­tion certi­fi­cate (§ 50 Abs. 2 Nr. 2 Buchst.b. EStDV) from BOS Deutsch­land e.V. You can down­load this certi­fi­cate here and submit it to the tax office along with your account state­ment where your dona­tion to BOS Deutsch­land e.V. is listed.
For dona­tions made through Paypal, a simpli­fied proof is gene­rally not possible, not even for dona­tions of less than 300 euros. If you donate through Paypal, you will need a dona­tion receipt.
All supporters auto­ma­ti­cally receive a dona­tion receipt for the previous year at the begin­ning of the new year.
If you still need an indi­vi­dual receipt, simply contact us. We will be happy to help you.


Why is my credit card dona­tion not listed on my dona­tion receipt?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Thank you for your dona­tion! It can take up to six weeks for credit card payments to be debited from your account and for the dona­tion to reach us. Only then can we acknow­ledge your dona­tion. Conse­quently, credit card payments made at the end of a calendar year can often only be claimed for the follo­wing year.

Why is BOS Deutsch­land e.V. not a member of the DZI or holds another dona­tion seal? 

Your Subtitle Goes Here

We joined the Trans­pa­rent Civil Society Initia­tive in 2013. Obtai­ning a dona­tion seal involves signi­fi­cant admi­nis­tra­tive expenses. For our orga­ni­sa­tional size, this would amount up to 8,000 euros of addi­tional expen­diture. This is a signi­fi­cant amount of money that would then not be available for the oran­gutans. We ther­e­fore continue to follow the guide­lines of the German Dona­tions Council and the Trans­pa­rent Civil Society Initia­tive — but on a comple­tely volun­tary basis and without paying for a seal of appr­oval. Our Berlin office doors are always open for personal conver­sa­tions and questions.

How high are the admi­nis­tra­tive costs of BOS Deutsch­land e.V.?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Our admi­nis­tra­tive costs average just under 10 percent of total expenditure.

Sonja Wende

You have a question?

Sonja Wende can help you under:

Dona­tions are a matter of trust

Trans­pa­rent use of funds is a matter of course for us. In September 2013, we joined the a non profit initia­tive of Trans­pa­rency Inter­na­tional Germany and signed its decla­ra­tion of commitment.